Toufee - The Web iCandy

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Sunday, February 18, 2007

Toufee 2.0 Beta Update (kinda technical)

Beta testing for the new version is in full flow. After a l-o-a-o-t of talking Nav and Me have decided that we are going to be rewriting the whole Toufee User Interface for the new version. Our flash code exceeds 70,000 lines which causes the flash compiler to cry and crawl on its knees every time we try to publish a new version. To fix this we are porting our code to MTASC compiler which in our preminilary testing compiles the same under 1 to 1.5 seconds (which is like 100 times faster!) :)

Hey, for those who don't understand this compiler babble the translated version is we're coming up with a super duper version of the toufee's user interface in probably one week. And I promise it'll be all Shiny and new too! :)

Anyway, stay tuned for more updates...
And I hope the beta testers are having fun with Toufee 2.0 ;)

Kind Regards,

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Kudos to all beta testers!

This is just a quick note to all the two hundered+ members who are helping us beta test our new system. We at toufee really really appreciate all your help and support! Thank You!

Also my apologies to everbody since we haven't been able to reply to many of the emails we recd. from our members in the last 4-5 days. The reason for this delay is because we are currently swamped with all the work but we're trying the best to answer all your questions as soon as possible. I hope you guys will understand.

Thanks again so much for all the help and support.


Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Welcome to the Private Beta!


Thank you for showing interest in the Private Pre-Launch of Toufee v2.0! :) We wish to inform you that your account has been successfully upgraded to the new version.

Before we go on to the features and other information about Toufee 2.0, please remember that this code is new and still in beta. What this means to you is that this code is not fully tested and may give you occasional errors. We are working on it but we also expect that you will let us know when this happens so we can find and iron out the bugs quicker. We also hope that being one of the very few members who has been invited to test out our new site, you will extend your kind support in letting us know what you like/dislike about this new version of Toufee (hopefully with suggestions to improve it).

The new version unveils many new and exciting features!
Here is a quick summary:
1. In the members area we have added features like member homepages, collaborative movie making for friends, member profiles, wikis, movie sharing, cloning, Private messaging with Address Books, etc.
2. On the design side we have a brand new homepage for Toufee. Plus we have added directory pages for your published movies, so that your friends can rate and comment on your movies.
3. We have added several automatic flash movie making tools that will output complete flash movies in possibly a single click! Some of the tools include the one click flash movie maker for creating eBay auctions, Flash Ad Banner Makers, Flash Profiles for Myspace, Flash Slideshows, etc.
4. Finally we have added support for Flash Widgets and Introduced the New "After" Effects for your flash movies. Flash widgets are like flash toys that run inside your flash movies, examples include an MP3 Player or Animated Clocks or Flash Guestbooks to name a few. The "After" effects on the other add a lot of dazzle to your images and movies!

Because of the space constraint, it is not possible to discuss these features in detail but you can send an email to and subscribe to the mini-course that we've setup detailing all these features (with examples).

Everything isn't live yet but starting tomorrow we will be revealing more and more features that we've added to Toufee 2, everyday until the day of our official launch!

Once again we want to thank you for the interest you've shown in being a part of this Private Pre-Launch. Please help us stay pumped by sending in your comments, suggestions and bug reports about this new version.
We always eagerly await hearing from you!!

Thanks again so much.
It's our sincerest hope that you will enjoy playing with this new version too :)

Awaiting your replies...

Best Regards,
San and Nav,
~make movies in a flash~

P.S. If you do not see the new members area after logging in, it meansthat you requested an invite from an email which did not match yourlogin email address at Toufee. If this is the case please write and we will manually upgrade your account.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Toufee v2

Here is what is coming to you in Toufee 2:

  1. Flash Homepages!

  2. New Website Design!

  3. Automatic Flash eBay Auction Maker Tool!

  4. Image “After” Effect (for Flash 8)

  5. Flash Widgets for Your Movies

  6. Flash Slideshow Maker Tool!

  7. Flash Mp3 Players for Your Movies

  8. Collaborative Movie Making among friends

  9. Automatic Flash Banner Maker Tool

  10. Comments and Ratings Pages

  11. Flash Myspace Profile Maker Tool

  12. Private Messaging and Address Imports

  13. Fast Flash Greeting Card Maker!

  14. Fast Flash Website Creator and Intro Maker

  15. Member Ranking and Directory

  16. Toufee Wiki

  17. Movie cloning and sharing (among friends)

  18. Flash Shoutboxes and GuestBooks

  19. New Tutorials with voiceovers

Actually there are so many more features to this list but these are just the few on the top of my head.. As a matter of fact come to think of it, it would look better after you see it for yourself in the right context and spot these yourselves!

Anyway, here are also some screenshots of what we’ve arranged for our private pre-launch party ;)

View Screenshots

If you haven't opted in for..

"The Private Pre Launch"

do so here and put "I'm In" in the subject
and your name and email in the body:

beta (at )

We will try to squeeze you in.

Best Regards,
San and Nav,
~make movies in a flash~